SURGICALCONSULTATION https://surgicalconsultation.nowfloats.com

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31 yr old male with small umbilical hernia. Wanted it removed for purely cosmetic reasons before his marriage. Procedure done under spinal anaesthesia. Anatomical repair done as defect was around 5mm.

3 day old RTA..soft tissue injury...causing Gas GANGRENE. They had planned for popliteal artery repair...plans went haywire once they saw the extent of the GANGRENE and Crepitus. Procedure...tedious mid thigh amputation of Right Lower limb and DEBR

The repair of finger injury with partial tendon tear was previously reported on.The OT was done on 19.10.20. The patient returned for removal of stitches on 3.11.20.

7 day old finger injury along with partial tendon injury , before and after repair.

Postoperative myocardial infarction (MI) after noncardiac surgery is one of the most serious and prognostically ominous complications of surgery and anesthesia. Reported rates of postoperative MI in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery vary widely.

Repair of leg lacerations https://t.co/ftL6NZ7OMA

Gouged by a wild boar.Repaired today.

Injured by a wild boar.Repaired today.
